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Cory Moore

Cory Moore photo Cory Moore
  • Brown Belt - 1 Stripe

Mr. Moore has been doing martial arts since he was able to. His dad taught him boxing starting around six years old, which started his love of martial arts. He then started training in self defense focused kickboxing, then shaolin kempo karate, as well as various other styles since, serving as a United States Marine from 2006 to 2010 where he also learned Marine Corps Martial Arts, as well as starting to organize and execute training for his fellow marines, serving as their Training NCO. After finishing his enlistment term he graduated from UW here in Madison with classes in art, communication, and psychology. After graduating Cory began a 5 year career of teaching Karate in Madison at Black Belt America, he taught people from 3 and 4 year olds, up to adults. After starting to train in Brazilian Jiujitsu under Thales Blaso, he started and ran a Jiujitsu program for their school. Now he enjoys focusing on his favorite style, and favorite style to teach at Blaso Brazilian Jiujitsu. I love martial arts in general, and just love to learn and grow, but Brazilian Jiujitsu makes the most sense to me as a self defense tool, especially for kids. If all you have is a hammer, you only have one solution. And I don't believe that punching and kicking is the best way to deescalate a situation. When you are trying to keep yourself and everyone else safe, I believe BJJ has the tools you need, or children, adults, law enforcement, and military, I don't think of making us more dangerous, I think of making everyone safer! The reason I train, and the reason I like it here at Blaso BJJ, is to focus on something we enjoy doing, that keeps us safe, so I can sweat and fail here, so I don't have to when it matters. Martial arts is what I would attribute as the largest contributing factor to who I am, what I've done, and what I contribute to my community, and I'm happy to pass that on to anyone who can benefit, which is everyone.

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